Trained originally as a violinist, Frosali established as a violinmaker in Florence in 1932 having studied with Giuseppe Scarampella. Emigrating to America, he worked first in New York where he worked for Emil Herrmann. While there he worked alongside Simone Sacconi. He moved to Los Angeles in 1939 working at Wurlitzer in their violin department, establishing his own shop in 1954. In 1949 he was the only American maker to win an award at a major competition in the Hague. He was enormously successful and his instruments were (and still are) in great demand both in the Los Angeles area as well as here in the Bay Area.
Born in 1967, Maurizio worked with his grandfather Carlo Pizzamaglio then graduated from The Cremona School of Violin Making in 1985. He has gone on to win many awards and medals at international competitions. This is an interesting example of his early work and has a certificate from Chris Reuning.
Carlos was born In Honduras and moved as a child to Albany California in 1976. He studied at the violin making school in Cremona graduating in 1983 and stayed on for another three years working with some of the best Cremonese masters. He returned to the Bay Area and began working with Rolland Feller in San Francisco. He has continued making fine instruments in his own workshop and has gained the respect of Bay Area musicians.