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Jay Haide violin à l'ancienne

sku Product SKU:  301VLN

Since its introduction, the à l'ancienne violins have become the flagship of the Jay Haide fleet. They are envied and copied by other makers, but as much as they have tried, none have come close to equaling them. Some have gone so far as to put facsimile labels of well known French and Italian makers in our instruments and selling them at much inflated prices. One of our ancienne violins even was given a certificate of authenticity from a well-known expert as an early 20th. century Italian violin with an insurance appraisal for $26,000.00! Because of this, every one of the à l'ancienne violin, viola, cello and bass now has a series of brands inside and out to deter the copyists.

With use and playing, fine old string instruments develop the patina of age over the decades and centuries that master violin makers have attempted to emulate, even as early as the late 17th century. By the mid 19th century, makers like Jean Baptiste Vuillaume and Georges Chanot in Paris had developed a high degree of skill in re-creating the effects of time and use in his violins. In following that tradition, each Jay Haide l'ancienne is carefully and painstakingly hand varnished to emulate the appearance of a fine old Stradivari or Guarneri violin. First we re-create the color, texture and patina of the golden ground coat. To that we add our beautiful golden orange varnish in a pattern simulating the wear and use found in the great classic old instruments. In order to do that. we have provided our luthiers with fine old Italian and French so that they can be studied while they are working. It is this attention to detail that has made our ancienne instruments in demand around the world.

Jay Haide à l'ancienne violins are available in Stradivari, Guarneri, Guadagnini and Balestrieri patterns. The Special Model is made with European wood.

For more information about Jay Haide instruments see www.jayhaide.com

Descriptions and pricing in our article on Jay Haide instruments

USD 0.0000

John Harrison 16 ¼" *SOLD*

sku Product SKU:  22294

Over the years we have sold several violins by violin maker John Harrison whose workshop is in Redding, California. We have always admired the tone and craftsmanship of his instruments. Normally one would expect a maker of John’s skill and abilities to have a workshop in a large metropolitan area with easy access to a multitude of musicians and bountiful musical activity. Redding is a town of about a hundred thousand inhabitants, a long drive north of the San Francisco Bay Area. In spite of that John has established an excellent reputation as an award winning violin maker with a following among musicians far beyond his home base.

After four years in the U.S. Air Force, John settled in Redding and by 1976 had developed an excellent reputation as a repairer of string instruments. Forty years ago a client brought John some good quality tone wood and the result was his first violin. Since then he’s made over 200 violins, violas and cellos (about six a year). He has been especially influenced by the work of the great old Italian masters and the highly respected more contemporary makers and teachers like Simon Sacconi among other important influencers. He identifies very much with the Italian school of lutherie.

For a violin maker, one of the best ways to establish a reputation is through international violin making competitions and winning a medal or certificate at an important competition is one of the best ways to attract the attention of discerning string players. One of the most important of those competitions is held every other year by the Violin Society of America (VSA). Hundreds of instruments by top makers from all over the world are entered, and winning an award there is quite an achievement. Over the years John has won three silver medals for tone and numerous certificates of achievement in what is always an intense competition. He’s also won awards at competitions like the Violin Makers of British Columbia and the Violin Makers of Arizona International.

John Harrison’s violins, violas and cellos are beautifully crafted using the very finest aged maple and spruce with a superb, transparent varnish. Over the years we’ve been able to offer many fine contemporary Italian violins. John’s instruments share many of their best characteristics both visually and acoustically.  His violins have a full, powerful tone with great depth and warmth and are very responsive and easy to play. Clearly, they have the qualities that many of the top string players are looking for.

After a forty year violin making career, John Harrison has recently decided to retire and we are very fortunate have acquired the collection of his finest violins, a viola and a cello and are pleased to offer them to our clients.

USD 0.0000