
Ifshin Rare & Fine Instruments

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Wilhelm Kapfhammer

After graduating from the Mittenwald violin making school, Kapfhammer came to the U.S., teaching at the Violin Making School of America in Salt Lake City. There he trained some of the most important contemporary makers. The tone of this violin is brilliant, responsive with easy playability

Alfio Batelli *SOLD*

After training with de Zorzi in Florence, Batelli set up his own shop there. He emigrated to the U.S. in 1947 stopping briefly in Chicago then on to Los Angeles to work with Hans Weisshaar for 13 years. Many of the best makers on the West Coast got excellent training there. This exceptional violin is one of the finest violins by Batelli we’ve seen.

Riccardo Bergonzi

Riccardo Bergonzi was only twelve when he started making violins. He graduated from the Cremona violin making school in 1979 with highest honors having worked with Stefano Conia among others, He has been working continuously in his own workshop for over thirty years and has won numerous awards and medals for his exceptionally fine work. We’ve sold a number of his fine instruments over the years and are especially happy to offer this exceptionally fine violin.

Mario Frosali

Mario Frosali was born in Legnano and worked as a violin maker in Florence starting in 1932. He came to New York working at the Emil Herrmann shop along with Simone Sacconi. In Los Angeles he worked for Wurlitzer, opening his own shop in 1954. He became one of the most respected makers on the West Coast, not just in Los Angeles but here in the Bay Area as well.

Labeled Georges Cherpitel

Although he wasn’t a prolific maker it is clear from this violin that Georges Cherpital was a highly skilled maker. He worked with his father Nicolas Émile and then worked with Cuesnon.

Georges Chanot *SOLD*

Georges Chanot was one of the top Parisian violin makers of the 19th century and a rival to J.B.Vuillaume. His violins are highly sought after. He worked first with his father Joseph then with other important Parisian masters before opening his own workshop in 1823. He was famous not just as a maker but as an expert and dealer.

This violin has a wonderful tone, highly responsive and resonant and is a real joy to play. It is also attractively priced in that the scroll is not original to this violin but is an authentic work of Chanot, from a later instrument.  The violin is accompanied by a certificate of authenticity from Bernard Millant in Paris.

D. Nicolas

Mid 19th. Century – branded and signed.

Eugenio Degani

Born in Merlara, Eugenio Degani worked with his father Domenico, then moved to Montagnana and finally to Venice in 1888 where he was highly successful and respected. He was awarded Gold medals at competitions in Paris, Bologna, Turin and Palermo.

Labeled C. Jean Pique *SOLD*

From the workshop of William Harris Lee.

Enrico Ceruti *SOLD*

We are especially pleased to be able to offer this fine violin by Enrico Ceruti, one of the most important 19th. century Italian violin makers. Grandson of J.B.Ceruti and son of Giuseppe, Enrico began his career with his father at only ten years of age. By the time he was in his late 20’s he had already established a fine reputation among musicians all over northern Italy. He exhibited his instruments in competitions all over Europe and won medals in his native Cremona as well as London and Vienna. This exceptional violin has a clear, dark tone, rich with lots of color.

This violin is accompanied by a certificate of authenticity from W.E.Hill & Sons, London dated 1942,  reissued in 1954 and a certificate from Rembert Wurlitzer, New York dated 1962.

Primo Contavalli *SOLD*

Primo Contavalli studied with his father Luigi, quickly surpassing him. He was immediately successful, winning a silver medal at an important exhibition in Rome in 1920 when he was only 21 years old. Clearly, his finest work is from the 1920’s and 1930’s. This beautiful violin is an excellent example of his best work. Because of its superb tone, this fine violin would be an excellent choice for the professional musician.

Fine old German violin, labeled da Salo *SOLD*

This is a beautifully made 19th. Century German violin with attractively designed purfling. Built on a large scale, this violin has a full rich tone.

Frantisek X. Drozen

Drozen began his career in Prague working with J.B.Vavra and B.Lantner before moving to Turnov in 1925. His violins became popular with professionals and soloists, both in Czechoslovakia and around the world. In fact, one of his violins was used by the great violinist Jan Kubelik.

Fabrizio Di Pietrantonio

Born in Livorno in 1964, Pietrantonio worked with several important makers who trained him in the traditions of the Bisiach family and especially Igino Sderci. This violin is a reproduction of the model of J.B.Guadagnini and has as wonderful rich tone of great character.

Michele De Luccia

Michele studied violin making with his cousin Gennaro then settled in Casigliano,  moving to Salerno in 1943. In the late 1950’s he emigrated to New York, working with Rembert Wurlitzer and Jacques Français.

Shahram & Saeid Rezvani *SOLD*

High quality smaller violins can sometimes be difficult to find. If you are looking for a fine quality 7/8th size violin, this Rezvani violin would be an excellent choice.

Robert Glier

Robert Glier trained in Markneukirchen and like so many talented German makers seeking better opportunities than they had in their home country, came to the USA in 1885. For years he worked for Rudolf Wurlitzer in Cincinnati, later establishing his own successful workshop.

Labeled J.Olry 1838

Probably Mirecourt late 19th. Century

Francis Kuttner *SOLD*

An interesting early work by Francis Kuttner who studied at the violin making school in Cremona.

Neil Kristof Ertz

Neil Ertz was born in Scotland in 1966. He studied at the Newark School of Violin Making and after graduation worked at a number of important violin shops in Holland, France and Germany. In '92 he returned to England to work with Roger Hargrave making detailed copies of the work of the great classic makers. He moved to Cambridge in 1997 and then to Edinburgh in 2009. Sadly Neil passed away in 2016 at the age of only 50.This beautifully crafted violin is based on the work of Antonio Stradivari.

Neil Kristof Ertz

Neil Ertz was born in Scotland in 1966. He studied at the Newark School of Violin Making and after graduation  worked at a number of important violin shops in Holland, France and Germany. In '92 he returned to England to work with Roger Hargrave making detailed copies of the work of the great classic makers. He moved to Cambridge in 1997 and then to Edinburgh in 2009. Sadly Neil passed away in 2016 at the age of only 50. This beautifully crafted violin is built on the Guarneri model.

David Rubio

Born in London, David started his studies in medical school and intended to become a surgeon but discovered that being color blind, surgery would be impossible. Instead, he went in an entirely different direction, becoming a flamenco guitarist with a gypsy group in Spain. He then started making guitars, then harpsichords and baroque violins. He moved to Cambridge in 1979 and concentrated on violin making, developing an excellent reputation for his instruments. David died in 2000 at the age of 65.