
Ifshin Rare & Fine Instruments

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Silvio Barbieri

Mantua, 1998.

The Barbieri family includes eight violin makers. Born in 1947, Silvio Barbieri studied violin making with his father Bruno. His instruments are beautifully crafted using the finest materials.

Branded Chevrier

This 19th century French violin is built on a large model and has a robust tone.


Paolo Virgoletti

Paolo began his training with his uncle Arturo Virgoletti in 1999. Moving to Cremona, he worked with Elio Severgnini. While there, he had the opportunity to restore fine old instruments and study closely the work of the masters. He worked with master makers in Tokyo and Madrid before opening his own workshop in S.Polo d’Enza near Parma. This beautifully made violin has the full, rich tone that we expect from his instruments.

Albert Knüpfer *SOLD*

Knüpfer worked first with A.Wunderlich in Markneukirchen, later with E. Reinhold Schmidt and H.Glass. He established his own workshop in nearby Wernitzgrün in 1904 and continued until after 1950.  He is recognized for his fine work after the classical Italian models.

Jules Grandjon *SOLD*

Jules Grandjon worked in Paris and Amsterdam before opening his very successful workshop in Mirecourt in 1850. His work won a number of medals at a number of competitions at Paris and London. This is a beautiful example of his work with a big powerful tone.

Auguste Delivet

Like so many French makers, Delivet apprenticed in Mirecourt. After working there with Victor Rambaux, he moved to Paris working with H.C.Silvestre. He opened his own shop in Paris in 1892. His work was highly regarded and he won numerous gold medals in major exhibitions. In 1918 he emigrated to Canada working in Toronto and Montreal. This violin has a nice brilliant and responsive tone.

Paolo Virgoletti

Paolo began his training with his uncle Arturo Virgoletti in 1999. Moving to Cremona, he worked with Elio Severgnini. While there, he had the opportunity to restore fine old instruments and study closely the work of the masters. He worked with master makers in Tokyo and Madrid before opening his own workshop in S.Polo d’Enza near Parma. This beautifully made violin has a full, rich tone with great warmth.

Silvio Barbieri

Silvio Barbieri was taught by his father Bruno who learned his craft under Gaetano Gadda.

Giustino dal Canto

Castelfranco di Soto (Pisa)

Alfred Lanini

Although born in California, Lanini studied in Italy, first with Romeo Antoniazzi and then with Farotti in Milan from 1911 to 1914 before returning to San Jose. This violin is a handsome example of Lanini's work, and has many characteristics of the maker's masters.

Julius Heinrich Zimmerman

Branded Remy, late 19th century.

Zimmerman established workshops in Russia (St Petersburg and Moscow) as well as Leipzig in addition to Markneukirchen the center of German violin making. Because he employed only the very finest craftsmen, Zimmerman became famous for the very high quality of his instruments and bows.

Ch J.B.Collin Mezin

This fine violin is an excellent example of the Collin-Mezin "Le Victorieux" model made under the direction of Charles Collin-Mezin.

Fine Old French

This fine old Mirecourt violin is from the Laberte workshop.

Knute Reindahl

Born in Norway in a town dedicated to intricate woodcarvings, Reindahl immigrated to Chicago in 1870, at the age of 13. A self-taught maker with a distinctive style, he set up his own shop in the Athenaeum building of Chicago in 1885, where he gained a reputation as one of America's best violin makers. By 1910 he had moved to Madison, Wisconsin, and by 1930 he had made nearly 600 violins. This violin, from 1903, is an excellent example of his Chicago period. With a unique scroll, deep edgework and American maple on the back, it is easy to play and is in very good condition.

Nicolas Duchêne*SOLD*

Branded " à la Ville de Padoue" Mirecourt

Charles Buthod

Buthod was one of many gifted makers who worked for Vuillaume before joining Husson in Mirecourt forming a large and successful workshop. This is a very fine violin and is in superb condition.

Paolo Virgoletti

Paolo began his training with his uncle Arturo Virgoletti in 1999. Moving to Cremona, he worked with Elio Severgnini. While he was there he had the opportunity to restore fine old instruments and study closely the work of the great masters. He worked with master makers in Tokyo and Madrid before opening his own workshop in S.Polo d’Enza near Parma.