A Guide to Youth Ensembles in San Francisco, the East Bay and South Bay

Berkeley Youth Orchestra
website: www.byoweb.org
Jay Lehman, Conductor
Manager: Julia Wilhite
Email: manager@byoweb.org
P.O. Box 11607, Berkeley, CA 94712
Grades 5th - 12th
Community Arts Youth Orchestra (Walnut Creek)
Rem Djemelev, Director
925-943-5486; email: artsed@arts-ed.org
website: www.arts-ed.org
111 N. Wiget Lane, Walnut Creek, CA 94598
Ages: Grade school- High school Intermediate and Advanced Level Ensembles
Crowden Chamber Orchestra

Dates: Tuesdays, 4–5:30PM, September 10th, 2019 –June 2nd, 2020
Crowden’s Chamber Orchestra is intended for string players ages 11–15 with well-developed reading ability and instrumental technique
Participants strengthen ensemble-playing skills through the study of standard string orchestra literature. Chamber Orchestra provides an orchestral experience, while still being small enough to allow participants to develop the interpersonal, collaborative skills required for chamber music.
Students are required to study privately with a teacher of their choice. Audition required.
Crowden Preparatory String Ensemble
Ages: 9 to 12
Dates: September 10, 2019 to June 2, 2020, Tuesdays, 4 to 5PM
In this ensemble experience for mixed strings, students work on following a conductor, playing as a group, intonation, bowing, and phrasing. Some rehearsal time is devoted to the development of musicianship skills such as ear training and sight-reading. Repertoire includes beginning-level arrangements of standard string orchestra literature.
Students are required to study privately with a teacher of their choice. Audition required.
Da Capo Youth Orchestra (Oakland Hills)
Catherine Devos, Conductor
510-436-1224; Katherine Baird at baird@hnu.edu
website: www.hnu.enu/preparatorymusic
3500 Mountain Blvd., Oakland, CA 94619
Intermediate violin, viola, cello
Divisi String Orchestra (Oakland Hills)
Robin Revelli, Conductor
510-436-1224; baird@hnu.edu
3500 Mountain Blvd., Oakland, CA 94619
Beginning violin and viola
Golden Gate Philharmonic (San Francisco)
Geoffrey Gallegos, Music Director
415-863-2676, email: joan.murray@ggph.org
website: www.ggph.org
P.O. Box 170301, San Francisco, CA 94117
Grades: K-12
Marin Symphony Youth Orchestra
Ann Krinitsky, Conductor
415-479-8100, Andrei Gorchov - email: yo@marinsymphony.org
website: www.marinsymphony.org/marin-symphony-youth-orchestra
4340 Redwood Highway, Suite 409C
San Rafael, CA 94903
Ages: 12-18
Napa Valley Youth Symphony
Tristan Arnold, Artistic Director/Conductor
707-877-6897, info@nvyso
Website: www.nvyso.org
P.O. Box 6594, Napa, CA 94581
Oakland Youth Orchestra
Michael Morgan, Artistic director
Omid Zoufonoun, Principal Conductor
510-274-6369, Tiffany Bayly
website: www.oaklandsymphony.org/community-education/oakland-symphony-youth-orchestra/
1440 Broadway, Suite 405, Oakland, CA 94612 USA
Ages: 12-22

Peninsula Youth Orchestras (South Bay)
Mitchell Sardou Klein, Music Director
email: pyo@pacbell.net
website: www.peninsulayouthorchestra.org
1091 Industrial Way #208, San Carlos, CA 94070
Ages 6-18

San Francisco Symphony Youth Orchestra
Christian Reif, Conductor
email: yo@sfsymphony.org
website: www.sfsymphony.org/youth-family/youth-orchestra
Davies Symphony Hall, 201 Van Ness Ave, San Francisco, CA 94102
Ages: 12-21
Sunset Youth Orchestra
Tatiana Ganenko, Conductor
415-242-9057 or 415-664-0812
email: sunset_youth_orchestra@yahoo.com
website: www.sunsetyouthorchestra.com
2180 Funston Ave, San Francisco, CA 94116
Villa Sinfonia (San Francisco)
Roy Oakley, Orchestra Director
email: oakvio@aol.com
website: www.villasinfonia.org
32 Mountain Spring Ave., San Francisco, CA 94114
Ages: 4 and up
Youth Orchestras of Southern Alameda County (Hayward)
Dr. Bill Harrington, Conductor
email: yosac94540@aol.com
website: www.yosac.org
PO Box 3970, Hayward, CA 94540
Young People's Chamber Orchestra- YPCO- (Berekley)
Rem Djemelev, Conductor
email Ruth Marks: manager@ypco.org
website: www.ypco.org
P.O. Box 5113, Berkeley, CA 94705
Young People's Symphony Orchestra- YPSO
David Ramadanoff, Conductor
510-849-YPSO (9776)
email: ypsomusic@yahoo.com
website: www.ypsomusic.org
P.O. Box 5593, Berkeley, CA 94705
Youth Performers Orchestra
Rem Djemelev, Director
email: artsed@arts-ed.org
website: www.arts-ed.org
111 N. Wiget Lane, Walnut Creek, CA 94598
South Bay:
California Youth Symphony
Leo Eylar, Conductor
email: californiayouthsymphony@gmail.com
website: www.cys.org
441 California Avenue #5, Palo Alto, California, 94306
El Camino Youth Symphony Association
Dr. Jindong Cai, Conductor
email: ecys@ecys.org
website: www.ecys.org
4055 Fabian Way, Palo Alto, CA 94303
Palo Alto Chamber Orchestra
Benjamin Simon, conductor
email: info@pacomusic.org
website: www.pacomusic.org
4000 Middlefield Rd #M1, Palo Alto, CA 94303
San Jose Youth Symphony
Yair Samet, Marcella Schantz, Ryo Fukuda, Victoria Morton, Conductors
email: sjys@sjys.org
website: www.sjys.org
559 Park Avenue, Suite 302, San Jose, CA 9511
Camellia Juniors Orchestra
Paolo Reyes, Conductor
email: paoloreyes85@gmail
website: www.camelliasymphony.org
P.O. Box 19819, Sacramento, CA
Sacramento Youth Symphony
Michael Neuman, Conductor
email: robert@sacramentoyouthsymphony.org
website: www.sacramentoyouthsymphony.org
3433 Ramona Ave., Suite no 22
Sacramento, CA 95826
For questions, corrections or additional listings, please contact emily@ifshinviolins.com