
Ifshin Violins

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String Builder For Violin, Book 1

sku Product SKU:  EL01544

Violin. Method/Instruction; String Orchestra Method/Supplement. Belwin Course for Strings. Learn To Play. 

The BELWIN STRING BUILDER is a string class method in which the violin, viola, cello, and bass play together throughout. Each book, however, is a complete unit and may be used separately for class or individual instruction. The material in this book is realistically graded so that only a minimum of explanatory material is required. Each melody is interesting and will provide the basis for a fine left hand technic and bow arm. Available in three levels for violin, viola, cello, bass, piano accompaniment, and teacher's manual.


Picture of the Violin and the Bow
The Two Middle Strings---Quarter Notes
The Two Outer Strings
The Open Strings with Half Notes
Whole Notes
More Melodies with Open Strings
A New Tone---The First Finger on the D String
More Melodies with the First Finger on the D String
A New Tone---The First Finger on the A String
A Higher Tone---The Second Finger on the D String
A Higher Tone on the A String---The Second Finger
More Melodies with the First and Second Fingers
The Third Finger on the D String
The Third Finger on the A String
Beautiful Melodies with the First, Second and Third Fingers
Playing Two Notes in the Same Bow Stroke
A New Low Tone---The First Finger on the G String
The Second and Third Fingers on the G String
The Second Finger---When It Is Not Sharped
Playing Three Notes in the Same Bow Stroke
A New High Tone---The First Finger on the E String
The Second and Third Fingers on the E String
The First Finger on E---When It Is Not Sharped
Playing Beautiful Melodies with Dynamics
Strengthening the Fourth Finger---Left Hand Pizzicato
We Are Now Ready to Use the Fourth Finger
Melodies Using All of the Fingers
Building a Major Scale
Eighth Notes
Eighth Notes Combined with Quarter Notes
Lively Melodies with Eighth Notes

USD 9.9900

String Builder For Violin, Book 2

sku Product SKU:  EL01550

The Belwin String Builder is a string class method in which the violin, viola, cello, and bass play together throughout. Each book, however, is a complete unit and may be used separately for class or individual instruction. The material in this book is realistically graded so that only a minimum of explanatory material is required. Each melody is interesting and will provide the basis for a fine left hand technic and bow arm. Available in three levels for violin, viola, cello, bass, piano accompaniment, and teacher's manual.


The C Major Scale---The Détaché Bowing Above the Middle of the Bow
More Melodies in C Major
We Build a Major Scale on the Note G
More Melodies in G Major---The Détaché Below the Middle of the Bow
We Lower a Tone---A Major Scale Starting on F
More Melodies in F Major---The Whole Bow Détaché
Preparing for a New Rhythm---The Dotted Quarter Note
Melodies with the Dotted Quarter and Eighth Note in One Bow
More Melodies with Dotted Quarters and Eighths
Melodies Combining the Détaché Below and Above the Middle of the Bow
We Build a Major Scale on the Note D
More Melodies in D Major
How to Go from One String to Another Very Smoothly
More Melodies That We Have Heard
The Left Hand---Melodies to Develop Strong Fingers
We Build a Major Scale on the Note B Flat
More Melodies in the Keys We Have Studied
A New Tone---We Sharp the Third Finger
More Melodies with the Third Finger Raised
We Accent Certain Notes to Make Our Music Spirited
The Martelé Bowing
More Melodies Using the Martelé Bowing
Playing on Two Strings at the Same Time---Learning to Tune the Violin
Two Martelé Notes in One Bow
The Grand Martelé---The Whole Bow
A New Rhythm---Six-Eight Time
More Melodies in Six-Eight Time
Beautiful Melodies in the Keys We Have Studied
The Third Position---Finding the First and Second Fingers
Finding the Third Finger in the Third Position
Finding the Fourth Finger in the Third Position

USD 9.9900

String Builder for Violin, Book 3

sku Product SKU:  EL01556

Book 3A String Class Method (for Class or Individual Instruction) - Violin. Composed by Samuel Applebaum. String Orchestra Method/Supplement. Belwin Course for Strings. Book. 32 pages.

The Belwin String Builder is a string class method in which the violin, viola, cello, and bass play together throughout. Each book, however, is a complete unit and may be used separately for class or individual instruction. The material in this book is realistically graded so that only a minimum of explanatory material is required. Each melody is interesting and will provide the basis for a fine left hand technic and bow arm. Available in three levels for violin, viola, cello, bass, piano accompaniment, and teacher's manual.


The Third Position---Finding the Fingers on the G and D Strings
Finding the Fingers on the A and E Strings
From One String to Another in the Third Position
More Melodies from One String to Another
Melodies in C Major That Include the Third Position
We Go from an Open String to the Second Finger in the Third Position
Melodies That Shift To and From the Third Position with the Same Finger
More Melodies That Shift with the Same Finger
The Scale Line Shift
Melodies That Shift To and From the Third Position with Different Fingers
More Melodies That Shift with Different Fingers
How to Shift When There Is No Slur
How to Build a Minor Scale
Melodies in Minor Keys
More Melodies in Minor Keys
The Wrist and Finger Stroke
Sixteenth Notes
The Dotted Eighth and Sixteenth Note
More Melodies with Dotted Eighth and Sixteenth Notes
Melodies Using the Martelé Bowing
Melodies with Double Stops
More Melodies with Double Stops
A New Rhythm---Triplets
We Build a Major Scale on the Note A
Melodies in Various Rhythms
We Build a Major Scale on the Note E Flat
How to Play Harmonics
Beautiful Melodies with Harmonics
Melodies That Will Prepare for the Spiccato Stroke
How to Play the Spiccato Stroke
Lively Melodies Using the Spiccato Stroke

USD 7.9900

String Builder for Viola, Book 1

sku Product SKU:  EL01545

Violin. Method/Instruction; String Orchestra Method/Supplement. Belwin Course for Strings. Learn To Play. 

The BELWIN STRING BUILDER is a string class method in which the violin, viola, cello, and bass play together throughout. Each book, however, is a complete unit and may be used separately for class or individual instruction. The material in this book is realistically graded so that only a minimum of explanatory material is required. Each melody is interesting and will provide the basis for a fine left hand technic and bow arm. Available in three levels for violin, viola, cello, bass, piano accompaniment, and teacher's manual.


Picture of the Viola and the Bow
The Two High Strings
The Two Lower Strings
The Open Strings with Half Notes
Whole Notes
More Melodies with Open Strings
A New Tone---The First Finger on the D String
More Melodies with the First Finger on the D String
A New Tone---The First Finger on the A String
A Higher Tone---The Second Finger on the D String
A Higher Tone on the A String---The Second Finger
More Melodies with the First and Second Fingers
The Third Finger on the D String
The Third Finger on the A String
Beautiful Melodies with the First, Second and Third Fingers
Playing Two Notes in the Same Bow Stroke
A New Low Tone---The First Finger on the G String
The Second and Third Fingers on the G String
The Second Finger---When It Is Not Sharped
Playing Three Notes in the Same Bow Stroke
Melodies That Are Repeated
Melodies Stressing the Second and Third Fingers
The Second Finger Develops Flexibility
Playing Beautiful Melodies with Dynamics
Strengthening the Fourth Finger---Left Hand Pizzicato
We Are Now Ready to Use the Fourth Finger
Melodies Using All of the Fingers
Building a Major Scale
Eighth Notes
Eighth Notes Combined with Quarter Notes
Lively Melodies with Eighth Notes

USD 9.9900

String Builder for Cello, Book 1

sku Product SKU:  EL01546

Book 1A String Class Method (for Class or Individual Instruction) - Cello. Composed by Samuel Applebaum. 32 pages. Published by Belwin Music.

The Belwin String Builder is a string class method in which the violin, viola, cello, and bass play together throughout. Each book, however, is a complete unit and may be used separately for class or individual instruction. The material in this book is realistically graded so that only a minimum of explanatory material is required. Each melody is interesting and will provide the basis for a fine left hand technic and bow arm. Available in three levels for violin, viola, cello, bass, piano accompaniment, and teacher's manual.


Picture of the Cello and the Bow
The Two High Strings
The Two Lower Strings
The Open Strings with Half Notes
Whole Notes
More Melodies with Open Strings
A New Tone---The First Finger on the D String
More Melodies with the First Finger on the D String
A New Tone---The First Finger on the A String
A Higher Tone---The Third Finger on the D String
A Higher Tone on the A String---The Third Finger
More Melodies with the First and Third Fingers
The Fourth Finger on the D String
The Fourth Finger on the A String
Beautiful Melodies with the First, Third and Fourth Fingers
Playing Two Notes in the Same Bow Stroke
A New Low Tone---The First Finger on the G String
The Third and Fourth Fingers on the G String
When Do We Use the Second Finger
Playing Three Notes in the Same Bow Stroke---The C String
Melodies That Are Repeated
Melodies Stressing the Third and Fourth Fingers
Melodies Stressing the Second and Third Fingers
Playing Beautiful Melodies with Dynamics
Strengthening the Fourth Finger---Left Hand Pizzicato
Right Hand Pizzicato
Melodies on All Strings
Building a Major Scale
Eighth Notes
Eighth Notes Combined with Quarter Notes
Lively Melodies with Eighth Notes

USD 9.9900

String Builder for Cello, Book 2

sku Product SKU:  EL01552

Orchestra Cello
Book 2A String Class Method (for Class or Individual Instruction) - Cello. Composed by Samuel Applebaum. Method/Instruction. 32 pages. Published by Belwin Music.

The Belwin String Builder is a string class method in which the violin, viola, cello, and bass play together throughout. Each book, however, is a complete unit and may be used separately for class or individual instruction. The material in this book is realistically graded so that only a minimum of explanatory material is required. Each melody is interesting and will provide the basis for a fine left hand technic and bow arm. Available in three levels for violin, viola, cello, bass, piano accompaniment, and teacher's manual.


The C Major Scale
More Melodies in C Major
We Build a Major Scale on the Note G
More Melodies in G Major
We Lower a Tone
More Melodies in F Major
Preparing for a New Rhythm---The Dotted Quarter Note
Melodies with the Dotted Quarter and Eighth Note in One Bow
More Melodies with Dotted Quarters and Eighths
Melodies Combining the Détaché Below and Above the Middle
We Build a Major Scale on the Note D
More Melodies in D Major
How to Go from One String to Another Very Smoothly
More Melodies That We Have Heard
The Left Hand---Melodies to Develop Strong Fingers
We Build a Major Scale on the Note B Flat
More Melodies in the Keys We Have Studied
The Extended Position
Melodies Using the Extended position
We Accent Certain Notes to Make Our Music Spirited
The Martelé Bowing
More Melodies Using the Martelé Bowing
Playing on Two Strings at the Same Time
Two Martelé Notes in One Bow
The Grand Martelé---The Whole Bow
A New Rhythm---Six-Eight Time
More Melodies in Six-Eight Time
Beautiful Melodies in the Keys We Have Studied
More Smooth String Changing
Developing Fourth Finger Independence
A Well Developed Fourth Finger

USD 7.9900

All For Strings, Cello Book 1

Orchestra cello - Elementary. All for strings is a comprehensive three-volume method surrounded by a wealth of supplementary materials for teaching and performance. This complete curriculum covers virtually every aspect of beginning through intermediate string study, emphasizing technical skills, rhythmic understanding, and quality musical experiences. Many of the National Standards for Music Education can be easily implemented into the classroom setting with the varied components All for Strings has to offer. Book 1 provides a well-rounded course of study for all beginning string students. It begins with "Starting by Rote" and "Starting by Note" approaches to music reading. Photos, diagrams, and logos integrated throughout the book reinforce all new concepts introduced. Carefully selected and composed technical materials and musical selections provide excellent opportunities for learning and growth. Rhythm exercises and theory games are also provided, as well as duets, trios, and ensembles.

All For Strings, Cello Book 2

Orchestra cello - Elementary. All for strings is a comprehensive three-volume method surrounded by a wealth of supplementary materials for teaching and performance. This complete curriculum covers virtually every aspect of beginning through intermediate string study, emphasizing technical skills, rhythmic understanding, and quality musical experiences. Many of the National Standards for Music Education can be easily implemented into the classroom setting with the varied components All for Strings has to offer. Book 1 provides a well-rounded course of study for all beginning string students. It begins with "Starting by Rote" and "Starting by Note" approaches to music reading. Photos, diagrams, and logos integrated throughout the book reinforce all new concepts introduced. Carefully selected and composed technical materials and musical selections provide excellent opportunities for learning and growth. Rhythm exercises and theory games are also provided, as well as duets, trios, and ensembles.

All For Strings, Theory Workbook 1 for Cello

Theory Workbooks 1 and 2 are correlated with the All for Strings method books and are suitable for classroom or individual use. Each page features exercises and games which encompass music fundamentals introduced in the method books. Students start by learning the piano keyboard to increase their understanding of the intervals. They also work with fingering chart exercises so that basic theory can be immediately applied to their instrument. In addition to drawing clefs, notes, key and time signatures, students learn about musical phrases and begin composing. Puzzles and musical math games are also included.

All For Strings, Theory Workbook 2 for Cello

Theory Workbooks 1 and 2 are correlated with the All for Strings method books and are suitable for classroom or individual use. Each page features exercises and games which encompass music fundamentals introduced in the method books. Students start by learning the piano keyboard to increase their understanding of the intervals. They also work with fingering chart exercises so that basic theory can be immediately applied to their instrument. In addition to drawing clefs, notes, key and time signatures, students learn about musical phrases and begin composing. Puzzles and musical math games are also included.

String Builder For Violin, Book 1

Violin. Method/Instruction; String Orchestra Method/Supplement. Belwin Course for Strings. Learn To Play. 

The BELWIN STRING BUILDER is a string class method in which the violin, viola, cello, and bass play together throughout. Each book, however, is a complete unit and may be used separately for class or individual instruction. The material in this book is realistically graded so that only a minimum of explanatory material is required. Each melody is interesting and will provide the basis for a fine left hand technic and bow arm. Available in three levels for violin, viola, cello, bass, piano accompaniment, and teacher's manual.


Picture of the Violin and the Bow
The Two Middle Strings---Quarter Notes
The Two Outer Strings
The Open Strings with Half Notes
Whole Notes
More Melodies with Open Strings
A New Tone---The First Finger on the D String
More Melodies with the First Finger on the D String
A New Tone---The First Finger on the A String
A Higher Tone---The Second Finger on the D String
A Higher Tone on the A String---The Second Finger
More Melodies with the First and Second Fingers
The Third Finger on the D String
The Third Finger on the A String
Beautiful Melodies with the First, Second and Third Fingers
Playing Two Notes in the Same Bow Stroke
A New Low Tone---The First Finger on the G String
The Second and Third Fingers on the G String
The Second Finger---When It Is Not Sharped
Playing Three Notes in the Same Bow Stroke
A New High Tone---The First Finger on the E String
The Second and Third Fingers on the E String
The First Finger on E---When It Is Not Sharped
Playing Beautiful Melodies with Dynamics
Strengthening the Fourth Finger---Left Hand Pizzicato
We Are Now Ready to Use the Fourth Finger
Melodies Using All of the Fingers
Building a Major Scale
Eighth Notes
Eighth Notes Combined with Quarter Notes
Lively Melodies with Eighth Notes

String Builder For Violin, Book 2

The Belwin String Builder is a string class method in which the violin, viola, cello, and bass play together throughout. Each book, however, is a complete unit and may be used separately for class or individual instruction. The material in this book is realistically graded so that only a minimum of explanatory material is required. Each melody is interesting and will provide the basis for a fine left hand technic and bow arm. Available in three levels for violin, viola, cello, bass, piano accompaniment, and teacher's manual.


The C Major Scale---The Détaché Bowing Above the Middle of the Bow
More Melodies in C Major
We Build a Major Scale on the Note G
More Melodies in G Major---The Détaché Below the Middle of the Bow
We Lower a Tone---A Major Scale Starting on F
More Melodies in F Major---The Whole Bow Détaché
Preparing for a New Rhythm---The Dotted Quarter Note
Melodies with the Dotted Quarter and Eighth Note in One Bow
More Melodies with Dotted Quarters and Eighths
Melodies Combining the Détaché Below and Above the Middle of the Bow
We Build a Major Scale on the Note D
More Melodies in D Major
How to Go from One String to Another Very Smoothly
More Melodies That We Have Heard
The Left Hand---Melodies to Develop Strong Fingers
We Build a Major Scale on the Note B Flat
More Melodies in the Keys We Have Studied
A New Tone---We Sharp the Third Finger
More Melodies with the Third Finger Raised
We Accent Certain Notes to Make Our Music Spirited
The Martelé Bowing
More Melodies Using the Martelé Bowing
Playing on Two Strings at the Same Time---Learning to Tune the Violin
Two Martelé Notes in One Bow
The Grand Martelé---The Whole Bow
A New Rhythm---Six-Eight Time
More Melodies in Six-Eight Time
Beautiful Melodies in the Keys We Have Studied
The Third Position---Finding the First and Second Fingers
Finding the Third Finger in the Third Position
Finding the Fourth Finger in the Third Position

String Builder for Violin, 3rd & 5th Position

The Third and Fifth Position String Builder is to be used after Book 3 of the Belwin String Builder. However, it may also be used as a continuation of any the standard string class methods. In this book, the violin, viola, cello, and bass play together. The book for each instrument, however, is a complete unit and may be used separately for class or individual instruction. In this book, the pupil is carefully taken step by step through the third and fifth positions. The pupil is taught to find each finger, after which simple shifts are introuduced with the same finger, followed by shifts to these positions with different fingers. Each type of shift is presented and developed with interesting melodies. The material in this volume is chosen for its musical interest and its technical value. There are a number of duets which are to be played by either two pupils or with the class divided into two groups. The material in this book is realistically graded so that only a minimum of explanatory material is required. Suggestions for work by rote are presented throughout the book. Published for violin, viola, cello, bass, piano accompaniment, teacher's manual.

String Builder for Violin, Book 3

Book 3A String Class Method (for Class or Individual Instruction) - Violin. Composed by Samuel Applebaum. String Orchestra Method/Supplement. Belwin Course for Strings. Book. 32 pages.

The Belwin String Builder is a string class method in which the violin, viola, cello, and bass play together throughout. Each book, however, is a complete unit and may be used separately for class or individual instruction. The material in this book is realistically graded so that only a minimum of explanatory material is required. Each melody is interesting and will provide the basis for a fine left hand technic and bow arm. Available in three levels for violin, viola, cello, bass, piano accompaniment, and teacher's manual.


The Third Position---Finding the Fingers on the G and D Strings
Finding the Fingers on the A and E Strings
From One String to Another in the Third Position
More Melodies from One String to Another
Melodies in C Major That Include the Third Position
We Go from an Open String to the Second Finger in the Third Position
Melodies That Shift To and From the Third Position with the Same Finger
More Melodies That Shift with the Same Finger
The Scale Line Shift
Melodies That Shift To and From the Third Position with Different Fingers
More Melodies That Shift with Different Fingers
How to Shift When There Is No Slur
How to Build a Minor Scale
Melodies in Minor Keys
More Melodies in Minor Keys
The Wrist and Finger Stroke
Sixteenth Notes
The Dotted Eighth and Sixteenth Note
More Melodies with Dotted Eighth and Sixteenth Notes
Melodies Using the Martelé Bowing
Melodies with Double Stops
More Melodies with Double Stops
A New Rhythm---Triplets
We Build a Major Scale on the Note A
Melodies in Various Rhythms
We Build a Major Scale on the Note E Flat
How to Play Harmonics
Beautiful Melodies with Harmonics
Melodies That Will Prepare for the Spiccato Stroke
How to Play the Spiccato Stroke
Lively Melodies Using the Spiccato Stroke

String Builder for Viola, Book 1

Violin. Method/Instruction; String Orchestra Method/Supplement. Belwin Course for Strings. Learn To Play. 

The BELWIN STRING BUILDER is a string class method in which the violin, viola, cello, and bass play together throughout. Each book, however, is a complete unit and may be used separately for class or individual instruction. The material in this book is realistically graded so that only a minimum of explanatory material is required. Each melody is interesting and will provide the basis for a fine left hand technic and bow arm. Available in three levels for violin, viola, cello, bass, piano accompaniment, and teacher's manual.


Picture of the Viola and the Bow
The Two High Strings
The Two Lower Strings
The Open Strings with Half Notes
Whole Notes
More Melodies with Open Strings
A New Tone---The First Finger on the D String
More Melodies with the First Finger on the D String
A New Tone---The First Finger on the A String
A Higher Tone---The Second Finger on the D String
A Higher Tone on the A String---The Second Finger
More Melodies with the First and Second Fingers
The Third Finger on the D String
The Third Finger on the A String
Beautiful Melodies with the First, Second and Third Fingers
Playing Two Notes in the Same Bow Stroke
A New Low Tone---The First Finger on the G String
The Second and Third Fingers on the G String
The Second Finger---When It Is Not Sharped
Playing Three Notes in the Same Bow Stroke
Melodies That Are Repeated
Melodies Stressing the Second and Third Fingers
The Second Finger Develops Flexibility
Playing Beautiful Melodies with Dynamics
Strengthening the Fourth Finger---Left Hand Pizzicato
We Are Now Ready to Use the Fourth Finger
Melodies Using All of the Fingers
Building a Major Scale
Eighth Notes
Eighth Notes Combined with Quarter Notes
Lively Melodies with Eighth Notes

String Builder for Cello, Book 1

Book 1A String Class Method (for Class or Individual Instruction) - Cello. Composed by Samuel Applebaum. 32 pages. Published by Belwin Music.

The Belwin String Builder is a string class method in which the violin, viola, cello, and bass play together throughout. Each book, however, is a complete unit and may be used separately for class or individual instruction. The material in this book is realistically graded so that only a minimum of explanatory material is required. Each melody is interesting and will provide the basis for a fine left hand technic and bow arm. Available in three levels for violin, viola, cello, bass, piano accompaniment, and teacher's manual.


Picture of the Cello and the Bow
The Two High Strings
The Two Lower Strings
The Open Strings with Half Notes
Whole Notes
More Melodies with Open Strings
A New Tone---The First Finger on the D String
More Melodies with the First Finger on the D String
A New Tone---The First Finger on the A String
A Higher Tone---The Third Finger on the D String
A Higher Tone on the A String---The Third Finger
More Melodies with the First and Third Fingers
The Fourth Finger on the D String
The Fourth Finger on the A String
Beautiful Melodies with the First, Third and Fourth Fingers
Playing Two Notes in the Same Bow Stroke
A New Low Tone---The First Finger on the G String
The Third and Fourth Fingers on the G String
When Do We Use the Second Finger
Playing Three Notes in the Same Bow Stroke---The C String
Melodies That Are Repeated
Melodies Stressing the Third and Fourth Fingers
Melodies Stressing the Second and Third Fingers
Playing Beautiful Melodies with Dynamics
Strengthening the Fourth Finger---Left Hand Pizzicato
Right Hand Pizzicato
Melodies on All Strings
Building a Major Scale
Eighth Notes
Eighth Notes Combined with Quarter Notes
Lively Melodies with Eighth Notes

String Builder for Cello, Book 2

Orchestra Cello
Book 2A String Class Method (for Class or Individual Instruction) - Cello. Composed by Samuel Applebaum. Method/Instruction. 32 pages. Published by Belwin Music.

The Belwin String Builder is a string class method in which the violin, viola, cello, and bass play together throughout. Each book, however, is a complete unit and may be used separately for class or individual instruction. The material in this book is realistically graded so that only a minimum of explanatory material is required. Each melody is interesting and will provide the basis for a fine left hand technic and bow arm. Available in three levels for violin, viola, cello, bass, piano accompaniment, and teacher's manual.


The C Major Scale
More Melodies in C Major
We Build a Major Scale on the Note G
More Melodies in G Major
We Lower a Tone
More Melodies in F Major
Preparing for a New Rhythm---The Dotted Quarter Note
Melodies with the Dotted Quarter and Eighth Note in One Bow
More Melodies with Dotted Quarters and Eighths
Melodies Combining the Détaché Below and Above the Middle
We Build a Major Scale on the Note D
More Melodies in D Major
How to Go from One String to Another Very Smoothly
More Melodies That We Have Heard
The Left Hand---Melodies to Develop Strong Fingers
We Build a Major Scale on the Note B Flat
More Melodies in the Keys We Have Studied
The Extended Position
Melodies Using the Extended position
We Accent Certain Notes to Make Our Music Spirited
The Martelé Bowing
More Melodies Using the Martelé Bowing
Playing on Two Strings at the Same Time
Two Martelé Notes in One Bow
The Grand Martelé---The Whole Bow
A New Rhythm---Six-Eight Time
More Melodies in Six-Eight Time
Beautiful Melodies in the Keys We Have Studied
More Smooth String Changing
Developing Fourth Finger Independence
A Well Developed Fourth Finger

String Builder for Cello, 2nd & 4th Position

Cello. Composed by Samuel Applebaum. Method/Instruction; String Orchestra Method/Supplement. Belwin Course for Strings. Book. 32 pages. Published by Belwin Music.

The Second and Fourth Position String Builder is to be used after the Third and Fifth Position String Builder. However, it is also to be used as a continuation of Book III of any of the standard string class methods. Published for violin, viola, cello, bass, piano accompaniment, and teacher's manual.

Beautiful Music for Two String Instruments: Violin Book 1

The study of string instruments should include ensemble playing at the earliest possible stage. There is much to be gained from the playing of duets. Each player learns how to listen to the other, and in a short time develops an awareness of balance, musical phrasing, intonation, and tone quality. This type of training is excellent preparation for participation in large groups. These four volumes of duets for two violins will help fill the need for early ensemble experience in the public schools. They should be used in string classes as a supplement to any of the standard string methods. They will also encourage music making outside of the school, with parents or with other students. These duets are ideal for recitals in the public schools and in public school festivals. They may be played by two performers, or by multiple performers on each part, with or without piano accompaniment. A Federation Festivals 2020-2024 selection.

Beautiful Music for Two String Instruments: Violin Book 2

Beautiful Music for Two String Instruments, by Samuel Applebaum. Volume 2, for two violins. Both parts on the same page.

2 Violins. Composed by Samuel Applebaum. Duet or Duo; String Orchestra Method/Supplement. Book. 32 pages. Published by Alfred Music

The study of string instruments should include ensemble playing at the earliest possible stage. There is much to be gained from the playing of duets. Each player learns how to listen to the other, and in a short time develops an awareness of balance, musical phrasing, intonation, and tone quality. This type of training is excellent preparation for participation in large groups. These four volumes of duets for two violins will help fill the need for early ensemble experience in the public schools. They should be used in string classes as a supplement to any of the standard string methods. They will also encourage music making outside of the school, with parents or with other students. These duets are ideal for recitals in the public schools and in public school festivals. They may be played by two performers, or by multiple performers on each part, with or without piano accompaniment.

Beautiful Music for Two String Instruments, Violin Book 3

Beautiful Music for Two String Instruments, by Samuel Applebaum. Volume 3, for two violins. Both parts on the same page.

The study of string instruments should include ensemble playing at the earliest possible stage. There is much to be gained from the playing of duets. Each player learns how to listen to the other, and in a short time develops an awareness of balance, musical phrasing, intonation, and tone quality. This type of training is excellent preparation for participation in large groups. These four volumes of duets for two violins will help fill the need for early ensemble experience in the public schools. They should be used in string classes as a supplement to any of the standard string methods. They will also encourage music making outside of the school, with parents or with other students. These duets are ideal for recitals in the public schools and in public school festivals. They may be played by two performers, or by multiple performers on each part, with or without piano accompaniment.

Beautiful Music for Two String Instruments, Violin Book 4

Beautiful Music for Two String Instruments, by Samuel Applebaum. Volume 4, for two violins. Both parts on the same page.

The study of string instruments should include ensemble playing at the earliest possible stage. There is much to be gained from the playing of duets. Each player learns how to listen to the other, and in a short time develops an awareness of balance, musical phrasing, intonation, and tone quality. This type of training is excellent preparation for participation in large groups. These four volumes of duets for two violins will help fill the need for early ensemble experience in the public schools. They should be used in string classes as a supplement to any of the standard string methods. They will also encourage music making outside of the school, with parents or with other students. These duets are ideal for recitals in the public schools and in public school festivals. They may be played by two performers, or by multiple performers on each part, with or without piano accompaniment..

Beautiful Music for Two String Instruments, Viola book 1

Beautiful Music for Two String Instruments, for 2 violas, by Samuel Applebaum. Both parts on the same page. Published by Belwin Mills.

The study of string instruments should include ensemble playing at the earliest possible stage. There is much to be gained from the playing of duets. Each player learns how to listen to the other, and in a short time develops an awareness of balance, musical phrasing, intonation, and tone quality. This type of training is excellent preparation for participation in large groups. These four volumes of duets for two violins will help fill the need for early ensemble experience in the public schools. They should be used in string classes as a supplement to any of the standard string methods. They will also encourage music making outside of the school, with parents or with other students. These duets are ideal for recitals in the public schools and in public school festivals. They may be played by two performers, or by multiple performers on each part, with or without piano accompaniment. A Federation Festivals 2020-2024 selection.

Beautiful Music for Two String Instruments, Viola Book 2

Beautiful Music for Two String Instruments, for 2 violas, by Samuel Applebaum. Both parts on the same page. Published by Belwin Mills.

The study of string instruments should include ensemble playing at the earliest possible stage. There is much to be gained from the playing of duets. Each player learns how to listen to the other, and in a short time develops an awareness of balance, musical phrasing, intonation, and tone quality. This type of training is excellent preparation for participation in large groups. These four volumes of duets for two violas will help fill the need for early ensemble experience in the public schools. They should be used in string classes as a supplement to any of the standard string methods. They will also encourage music-making outside of the school, with parents or with other students. These duets are ideal for recitals in the public schools and in public school festivals. they may be played by two performers, or by multiple performers on each part, with or without piano accompaniment. Also available: two violins (EL01324), two cellos (EL02213), and piano accompaniment (EL02211).

Beautiful Music For Two String Instruments, Viola Book 3

Beautiful Music for Two String Instruments, for 2 violas, by Samuel Applebaum. Both parts on the same page. Published by Belwin Mills.

The study of string instruments should include ensemble playing at the earliest possible stage. There is much to be gained from the playing of duets. Each player learns how to listen to the other, and in a short time develops an awareness of balance, musical phrasing, intonation, and tone quality. This type of training is excellent preparation for participation in large groups. These four volumes of duets for two violas will help fill the need for early ensemble experience in the public schools. They should be used in string classes as a supplement to any of the standard string methods. They will also encourage music-making outside of the school, with parents or with other students. These duets are ideal for recitals in the public schools and in public school festivals. they may be played by two performers, or by multiple performers on each part, with or without piano accompaniment. 

Beautiful Music for Two Strings Instruments, Viola Book 4

Beautiful Music for Two String Instruments, for 2 violas, by Samuel Applebaum. Both parts on the same page. Published by Belwin Mills.

The study of string instruments should include ensemble playing at the earliest possible stage. There is much to be gained from the playing of duets. Each player learns how to listen to the other, and in a short time develops an awareness of balance, musical phrasing, intonation, and tone quality. This type of training is excellent preparation for participation in large groups. These four volumes of duets for two violas will help fill the need for early ensemble experience in the public schools. They should be used in string classes as a supplement to any of the standard string methods. They will also encourage music-making outside of the school, with parents or with other students. These duets are ideal for recitals in the public schools and in public school festivals. they may be played by two performers, or by multiple performers on each part, with or without piano accompaniment. 

Beautiful Music For Two String Instruments, Cello Book 1

Beautiful Music for Two String Instruments, by Samuel Applebaum. Volume 1, for two cellos. Both parts on the same page. Can be used with any of the Beautiful Music Volumes 1 to create duets for cello/ viola or cello/ violin.

The study of string instruments should include ensemble playing at the earliest possible stage. There is much to be gained from the playing of duets. Each player learns how to listen to the other, and in a short time develops an awareness of balance, musical phrasing, intonation, and tone quality. This type of training is excellent preparation for participation in large groups. These four volumes of duets for two violins will help fill the need for early ensemble experience in the public schools. They should be used in string classes as a supplement to any of the standard string methods. They will also encourage music making outside of the school, with parents or with other students. These duets are ideal for recitals in the public schools and in public school festivals. They may be played by two performers, or by multiple performers on each part, with or without piano accompaniment. A Federation Festivals 2020-2024 selection.

Beautiful Music For Two String Instruments, Cello Book 2

Beautiful Music for Two String Instruments, by Samuel Applebaum. Volume 2, for two cellos. Both parts on the same page. Can be used with any of the Beautiful Music Volumes 1 to create duets for cello/ viola or cello/ violin.

The study of string instruments should include ensemble playing at the earliest possible stage. There is much to be gained from the playing of duets. Each player learns how to listen to the other, and in a short time develops an awareness of balance, musical phrasing, intonation, and tone quality. This type of training is excellent preparation for participation in large groups. These four volumes of duets for two violins will help fill the need for early ensemble experience in the public schools. They should be used in string classes as a supplement to any of the standard string methods. They will also encourage music making outside of the school, with parents or with other students. These duets are ideal for recitals in the public schools and in public school festivals. They may be played by two performers, or by multiple performers on each part, with or without piano accompaniment.

Beautiful Music For Two String Instruments, Cello Book 3

Beautiful Music for Two String Instruments, by Samuel Applebaum. Volume 3, for two cellos. Both parts on the same page. Can be used with any of the Beautiful Music Volumes 1 to create duets for cello/ viola or cello/ violin.

The study of string instruments should include ensemble playing at the earliest possible stage. There is much to be gained from the playing of duets. Each player learns how to listen to the other, and in a short time develops an awareness of balance, musical phrasing, intonation, and tone quality. This type of training is excellent preparation for participation in large groups. These four volumes of duets for two violins will help fill the need for early ensemble experience in the public schools. They should be used in string classes as a supplement to any of the standard string methods. They will also encourage music making outside of the school, with parents or with other students. These duets are ideal for recitals in the public schools and in public school festivals. They may be played by two performers, or by multiple performers on each part, with or without piano accompaniment.

Beautiful Music For Two String Instruments, Cello Book 4

Beautiful Music for Two String Instruments, by Samuel Applebaum. Volume 3, for two cellos. Both parts on the same page. Can be used with any of the Beautiful Music Volumes 1 to create duets for cello/ viola or cello/ violin.

The study of string instruments should include ensemble playing at the earliest possible stage. There is much to be gained from the playing of duets. Each player learns how to listen to the other, and in a short time develops an awareness of balance, musical phrasing, intonation, and tone quality. This type of training is excellent preparation for participation in large groups. These four volumes of duets for two violins will help fill the need for early ensemble experience in the public schools. They should be used in string classes as a supplement to any of the standard string methods. They will also encourage music making outside of the school, with parents or with other students. These duets are ideal for recitals in the public schools and in public school festivals. They may be played by two performers, or by multiple performers on each part, with or without piano accompaniment.