{{image.AltTag}} {{image.AltTag}}
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Sku: {{details.product.ModelNumber}}

Price: {{(details.product.BundleUnitCost || details.product.UnitCost) | currency : '$' : 2}}

Now: {{(details.product.BundleSalePrice || details.product.SalePrice) | currency : '$' : 2}}

Description: 4/4 size, Steel core, Medium Gauge
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Pirastro Permanent Soloist Cello set: 

Permanent by Pirastro is a steel string with a warm, round sound and a clear overtone spectrum. With a pliable left hand feeling, it produces a smooth lively tone. Stable with a very easy response, it is suitable also for electric or electrically-amplified cellos.

Set Includes:

  • Permanent Soloist Cello A - Chrome/Steel: Medium
  • Permanent Soloist Cello D - Chrome/Steel: Medium
  • Permanent Soloist Cello G - Tungsten/rope core: Medium
  • Permanent Soloist Cello C - Tungsten/rope core: Medium